Health is holding a Masterclass on the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship

Health is again holding a Masterclass on the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship at which candidates and supervisors have the opportunity to qualify and test their applications.

Illustration of online meeting
Photo: Colourbox

If you are an associate professor or professor on the lookout for highly-qualified help from an international research talent, then the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme (MSCA) could be just what you are looking for.

But the competition for the grants is fierce, and only the very best applications get through and hit the jackpot. Health is therefore once again holding a Masterclass in 2022 to help both supervisors and candidates with the application process.

The purpose of the Masterclass is to ensure supervisors and candidates are in the best possible position when applying for a fellowship through the MSCA.

On the course, potential applicants will receive help with all the steps in the process, and will be offered thorough and ongoing feedback from the Research Support Office, which will also help to prepare a final application to the programme.

Participation on a first come, first served basis

If your appetite is already whetted and you wish to take part in the MSCA Masterclass, it would be smart to secure an agreement with an international postdoc already now.

To participate in the Masterclass, supervisors must identify a candidate and submit a brief application to Health. There is no formal deadline for applications, but this year there is a limit of 15 participants, and the places are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

From the end of April and over the next month, webinars will be held for both potential supervisors and candidates. At these, participants will receive information on the application criteria, how to write a good application and will have the chance to learn from the experiences of previous MSCA recipients.

The five best make it to the next round

Following the series of webinars, the supervisors and their candidates must send a draft application to the Research Support Office, which provides feedback on structure, argumentation and the formal requirements. The applications will be evaluated by the Vice-dean for Research Hans Erik Bøtker with the help of the Health Research Committee and the Research Support Office. The five best applicants will proceed to the next round and will be offered additional support during the application process until the deadline in September 2022.

There are a number of criteria that candidates must live up to in order to be considered for an MSCA fellowship. These include a requirement that they have received a PhD within the past eight years.

  • Read more about the requirements for candidates and the criteria for applications

In order to be considered for the Masterclass, the candidates must submit an application to Henry Andreasen (, after which the 15 most suitable will be selected by the Vice-Dean for Research Hans Erik Bøtker in collaboration with the Health Research Committee.

Timeline for the MSCA Masterclass

  • February - April: Supervisors identify potential Masterclass candidates and submit applications for participation.
  • 21 April:. Webinar for potential supervisors at AU.
  • 10 May: Masterclass webinar for candidates and their supervisors.
  • 17 May: Supervisors and candidates submit a synopsis to the Research Support Office in preparation for an individual meeting.
  • 19 May: Q&A for applicants.
  • May-June: Individual meetings with supervisors.
  • End of June - beginning of July: Submission of project descriptions to the Research Support Office. Health selects five projects which will be offered additional support and feedback.
  • August: The Research Support Office provides additional Q&A and feedback on the five updated project descriptions.
  • 14 September: The EU deadline for applications to the MSCA programme.
  • February 2023: The European Commission announces the recipients of the MSCA grants.


Adviser Henry Andreasen
Aarhus University, HE Administrative Centre - Dean’s Office
Mobile: +4520338578

Advisor Inge Andresen
Aarhus University, Research Support Office
Mobile: +4530587239