Newsletter 64 from the Head of Department

Dear All, Thank you for a really nice IOOS Joint Day with participation of 182 employees, commitment and good conversations. A good rounding off the academic year, where today we are sending another large batch of skilled dental hygienists and dentists out into the world. Thank you for your efforts so that we succeed in making this important contribution to society. Have a great summer!


Debate on oral health at the Folkemødet
During the Folkemødet on Bornholm, I participated in a debate about inequality in oral health. The debate took place on Aarhus University's research ship Aurora, and the panel also included the chairperson of the Danish Dental Association Susanne Kleist, parliamentary politician from the Social Democratic Party Camilla Fabricius, former minister of health from the Liberal party Ellen Trane Nørby and Esben Boeskov Øzhayat, who is Associate Professor in community dentistry at the University of Copenhagen.

It was a good and relevant discussion about which diseases you can have in the mouth and how systemic diseases or side effects of medications can manifest in the mouth, to how we ensure that there are enough orofacial personnel throughout the country and how we can minimize inequality in health, which becomes clear when we open our mouths.

We are protected - again
The Danish Agency for Palaces and Culture has now made a final decision on which parts of Aarhus University are to be protected. The protection is not quite as extensive as first proposed in 2023, but still applies to, among other things, our building 1613 – the one that houses the clinics with the large windows facing Nørrebrogade. My position is still that we are lucky to work in such fine and iconic buildings that they have been deemed worthy of preservation, and I am sure that any changes or adaptations to the building can be solved constructively if necessary.

See which buildings and areas are protected at the Danish Palaces and Culture Agency [In Danish].

The Odontological Association raises criticism of the social student life at the institute
In a debate article [In Danish] in the independent university media, Omnibus, the student association Odontologisk Forening raises criticism of the Department and Faculty of Health management over decisions and measures which they believe limit a social life during their studies. The students are dissatisfied with the number of parties at the institute and lack of sponsorship income, and they do not think they have been involved in the decision-making processes.

I can empathize with their frustration that things have to change, although I don't think these are unreasonable conditions, but I am regretful that the Odontological Association does not experience being involved in the process. They have been, even if we have not been able to meet all their wishes. We will of course take up the dialogue with the Odontological Association again in the relevant forums.

If you like to, you can read Vice-Dean for Education Lise Wogensen Bach and my joint response to the criticism [In Danish] in Omnibus or in the articles that TV2 Østjylland [In Danish] and Tandlægebladet [In Danish] have written on the subject.

We now have guidelines for inclusive and gender-neutral language
In the Faculty of Health management team, we have adopted a set of guidelines for gender-neutral language, which should help us for more inclusive communication at the Faculty of Health and therefore also in the Department. In practice, this means that in writing and speaking we should endeavor to weed out gendered expressions - for example by choosing "chairperson" instead of "chairman". Language helps to shape our attitudes and behaviour, and therefore equality also takes place in language and in the way we refer to the world and each other. It takes time to change habits, and there are no sanctions from the language police if you fail to avoid "gendered" words. My position is that it is a good and natural initiative in 2024, and that as an educational and research institution we have a special responsibility to create an inclusive workplace and educational institution – we also do this via the language.

 You can read more in the Faculty of Health article "Do we use 'chairman' or 'chairperson'?" and read Dean Anne-Mette Hvas elaborate on the subject and the guidelines in an article from Omnibus.

Come along to the Faculty of Health party in August
On Friday 16 August, Health hold its annual summer party, this time in DGI Byen from 17.00. It tends to be both cozy and festive, not least because IOOS is always well represented. If you would like to join, remember to register no later than Monday 5 August 2024 via the Conference Manager.



The new curriculum for the master's degree in dentistry is under consultation
Intensive work has been done to develop a new curriculum for the last part of the dental education, and the process is now so far that the curriculum has been sent for consultation with the stakeholder panel, the censor corps, related educational institutions, relevant professional organizations and with Health and Authorization authorities.

Comments from you on the new master's curriculum are more than welcome. They must be sent to no later than 23 August 2024.

Head of Studies Irene Dige presents the most important elements of the new curricula and answers questions at an online information meeting on Tuesday 3 September at 17-18. Access the meeting via the link:

The curriculum must be finally approved by the Ministry of Education and Research before November this year if we are to admit master's students to the new curriculum in autumn 2025. We will be ready for that. A big thank you to everyone who has contributed to this important piece in "The Aarhus Model of Dental Education".

Research evaluation: Now we get a visit from the external review panel
The work with the research evaluation here at the Department is progressing according to plan. Our self-evaluation report has just been commented on in the Department's Research Forum, Institute Forum and the Local Liaison Committee, and the report is now ready to be presented to the Faculty of Health's steering group. Thank you very much for all your contributions during the process.

The next step in the evaluation process is that we will be visited by an external review panel from 28-30 October 2024. It is a strong review panel consisting of internationally recognized researchers and research leaders. In the panel composition, we have, among other things, emphasis placed on a broad representation of the Department's expertise, familiarity with Danish/Nordic university relations, and a balanced gender distribution.

We are very pleased and proud that the following have agreed to form our review panel:

      • Professor and Senior Vice President Academic Mike Curtis from King's College London (chairperson)

      • Professor Frauke Müller from the University of Geneva

      • Professor Liisa Suominen from the University of Eastern Finland

      • Professor Ivo Lambrichts from Hasselt University

If you have any questions about the work with the research evaluation or the upcoming visit by the review panel, you are welcome to contact Deputy Head for Research Lene Baad-Hansen.

Six of our dental hygiene students volunteered at the Special Olympics
The Special Olympics is Denmark's largest sporting event for people with developmental disabilities, and when the event took place in Frederikshavn in May, six of our dental hygiene students participated as volunteers. During the sports festival, the athletes are offered a health screening, and one of the options is a dental check-up. Six of our students contributed and also gave the participants instruction in general oral hygiene. Dental hygiene student Nadia Kohestani was one of the volunteers, and the experience has made a big impression on her both professionally and personally:

“It was an eye-opening experience that reminded me that everyone deserves equal access to health care. It has given me renewed energy and motivation in my profession, and I now see even more clearly the importance of our work.”

IOOS student on her way to the Olympics in Paris
When dental student Alberte Kjær Pedersen completed her bachelor's degree last summer, she put her dental studies on hold so she could devote herself to training. Alberte Kjær Pedersen is also a triathlete, and she has done so well that she has now been selected for the Olympics in Paris this year.

Alberte Kjær Pedersen will swim, cycle and run in the Olympic competition on Wednesday 31 July at 8:00. Omnibus has written a fine article [In Danish] about the art of balancing dental studies and elite sport.


Katarzyna (Kasia) Gurzawska-Comis is new Associate Professor and Section Head
Katarzyna Gurzawska-Comis – commonly abbreviated Kasia – is per 1 June this year employed as Associate Professor in oral surgery and Section Head of the Section for Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral Pathology. Kasia Gurzawska-Comis has an international profile; she is moving to Aarhus from the University of Liverpool in England, she has previously been employed at e.g. Charité University in Berlin, and she has her PhD from the University of Copenhagen. Kasia Gurzawska-Comis joins the Cross-Departmental Leadership Team and the IOOS Research Forum on behalf of the subject area.

Professor Ann Wenzel retires
After 45 years at Aarhus University, Professor Ann Wenzel, Section for Oral Radiology and Endodontics, is retiring and from 1 June 2024 is Professor Emeritus. Ann pioneered oral radiology and has made a clear mark on digital imaging in dentistry. On the internal lines, Ann has developed a section with a high international impact in research and education, and she has been the supervisor of 28 PhD students, the main supervisor of 14, seven of whom are currently employed at the Department.

Thank you so much for your efforts, Ann. You have moved the field globally for the benefit of healthcare professionals and patients.

Helle Hornhaver advises the young DR viewers about teeth whitening
Just over a year ago, DR (Danish Broadcasting Corporation) stopped by the clinics with a camera crew. Here they were to record an episode of the program series "Adnan and the beautiful lies", which is health consumer information aimed at young viewers. In April, the episode "Tesla of the toothbrush" ran across the screen, and here Helle Hornhaver participates as an expert and clarifies what is true or false about teeth whitening.

I will continue as Head of Department for another six years - come by for layer cake
I have been re-appointed as Head of Department when my current fixed-term contract expires at the end of July. The past eight years as Head of Department have flown by, and I am very much looking forward to the next six years. Both in the field of education and research, there are exciting and important tasks ahead, but as I stated in the article about my re-appointment in the Faculty of Health's newsletter, I am most looking forward to working with you. At the Department, we now have a super good and committed team in our various work functions, and with each of your core skills in mind, you solve tasks with knowledge, insight and expertise. It is both a pleasure and a privilege to work with you every day.

If you have the time and desire, you are welcome to come by for layer cake in the lunch room on the 3rd floor (building 1614, room 398B) on Wednesday, September 4, between 14-16.

Summer greetings,
